Who’s Afraid Of The Big Bad Birth?

2024-11-20T10:05:36+00:00Blog, Labour & Birth, Pregnancy|

Who’s Afraid Of The Big Bad Birth? Anxiety and fear are BIG topics in midwifery, and today, I’m contemplating what scares women who will give birth to a baby. For most women, it’s The Horror of Birth. Much of this is fear of the unknown. Unfortunately, when women [...]

Do Midwives Tell The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth?

2019-08-19T12:10:07+00:00Blog, Pregnancy|

Do Midwives Tell The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth? Childbirth used to be shrouded in secrecy. Now is the information age: monitors, men, many ‘support’ people – and video cameras – are welcomed into the delivery room, and anyone can watch a live birth on the [...]

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