About Sister Lilian Paramor

Lilian Paramor (known as Sister Lilian) holds a B.Nursing degree from the University of Stellenbosch (1978) and is a qualified and registered SANC nurse and midwife (1980). She is also a qualified reflexologist and natural health practitioner. Sister Lilian has close to 40 years of health professional experience, and is South Africa’s leading pregnancy and parenting advisor. She is well-known in both the maternity professional world as well as amongst the parenting community in South Africa and beyond. Her trademarks are her compassion, credibility and innovation ability, showcased by her longstanding approach of ‘first do no harm’ and her work slogans ‘with nature, knowledge and experience’ and ‘advice you can trust’. Sister Lilian has had six pregnancy and parenting books published in South Africa, edited and adapted a Canadian parenting book for the South African market and contributed to a renowned Juta handbook for midwives. She has also written and published numerous topic-specific booklets for midwives and parents, on subjects like breastfeeding, nutrition, birth, and sleep. Sister Lilian’s has also been a popular radio and TV presenter and often contributes to parenting magazines. She started in private practice in Pretoria in 1988; this morphed into the Sister Lilian Centre® in 1994, which also runs one of the most renowned midwifery conferences in the southern hemisphere, called Sensitive Midwifery Symposium, and publishes Sensitive Midwifery Magazine for professionals, as well as an online pregnancy, birth and parenting magazine called eBaby.

Who’s Afraid Of The Big Bad Birth?

2024-11-20T10:05:36+00:00Blog, Labour & Birth, Pregnancy|

Who’s Afraid Of The Big Bad Birth? Anxiety and fear are BIG topics in midwifery, and today, I’m contemplating what scares women who will give birth to a baby. For most women, it’s The Horror of Birth. Much of this is fear of the unknown. Unfortunately, when women [...]

Do Midwives Tell The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth?

2019-08-19T12:10:07+00:00Blog, Pregnancy|

Do Midwives Tell The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth? Childbirth used to be shrouded in secrecy. Now is the information age: monitors, men, many ‘support’ people – and video cameras – are welcomed into the delivery room, and anyone can watch a live birth on the [...]

Modern Midwifery vs Ancient Midwifery

2019-08-19T10:49:48+00:00Blog, Pregnancy|

Modern Midwifery vs Ancient Midwifery In many hospitals, the line has been drawn; it’s all about the obstetrics vs midwifery, medical care vs midwifery-led care. And then, there’s the relatively new debate within the scope of midwifery practice - that’s right; I’m talking about the far too common [...]

Pregnancy Vaginal Bleeding and Antepartum Haemorrhage

2020-04-28T18:48:16+00:00Pregnancy, SM-Members|

Key Antepartum Haemorrhage (APH) Messages For Midwives Ensure you have the woman’s full history – previous miscarriage, termination or C-section; bleeding in first trimester; suspicion of placenta praevia, abruption or anatomical disorders; if she is in premature labour. If a pregnant woman presents with spotting, but is no [...]

Message In A Pregnant Digestive System


Message In A Pregnant Digestive System Many of the digestive problems of modern humans, including in pregnancy, can be traced back to non-physiological birth practices, not breastfeeding, and over-filling the stomach from babyhood. That’s why, in order to break this vicious cycle, an expectant mother should take the [...]

Repairing C-section And Premature Birth Harm


Repairing C-section And Premature Birth Harm Notwithstanding the fact that facing up to the many adaptation dilemmas for babies (and their mothers) in the aftermath of C-section and prematurity is important – hence this blog – prevention of both remains the most important strategy for minimising or eradicating the harm left in [...]

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