Sensitive Midwifery
Birth Stool
For midwives and birth units to assist birthing women
Sensitive Midwifery believes that there is new awareness among women and birth workers about the value of birthing upright and naturally, and that they would be keen to use a birth stool. Therefore, we designed a beautiful, hygienic, wooden one especially for you!
R 3 000.00 (including VAT and delivery)
For international purchases, please contact us for us a separate quote.
Product description
Women gave birth in many different ways over the eons, but one or other form of upright birthing position such as standing, squatting and kneeling was by far the norm for most of those years. Birthing aids have also been used throughout midwifery history to support the mother, and one famous one is the birthing chair or stool. Sensitive Midwifery believes that there is new awareness among women and birth workers about the value of birthing upright and naturally, and that they would be keen to use a birth stool. Therefore, we designed a beautiful, hygienic, wooden one especially for you!
The Sensitive Midwifery birthing stool:
- Helps women to maintain a squatting position more easily
- Facilitates upright birthing, allowing gravity to play its part unimpeded
- Offers the mother a more satisfactory birthing experience
- Ensures that birth workers can easily and comfortably assist labouring and birthing women
- Offers a novel and cost-effective birth aid for use by independent midwives and all birth units
- Is easy to use, whether on a bed or on the floor
- Is easy to clean
- Is easy to transport
Sensitive Midwifery’s birthing stool complies with research studies in the following ways:
- It doesn’t increase any risk for the mother or the baby (unlike recumbent birthing positions)
- It decreases the risk of cord compression
- It ensures significantly lower rates of episiotomy