The Health Of The Placenta Is Wrongly Used To Intervene In Normal Pregnancy

2020-09-25T12:24:44+00:00Afterbirth, Blog|

The Health Of The Placenta Is Wrongly Used To Intervene In Normal Pregnancy The placenta plays a significant role in keeping Baby alive during pregnancy; supplying blood, nutrients, and oxygen, and continuing to benefit babies after birth. But if the placenta had its own movie, it would be [...]

Pregnancy Vaginal Bleeding and Antepartum Haemorrhage

2020-04-28T18:48:16+00:00Pregnancy, SM-Members|

Key Antepartum Haemorrhage (APH) Messages For Midwives Ensure you have the woman’s full history – previous miscarriage, termination or C-section; bleeding in first trimester; suspicion of placenta praevia, abruption or anatomical disorders; if she is in premature labour. If a pregnant woman presents with spotting, but is no [...]

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